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Children Working

Posted By on January 25, 2011

I are not talking about hard labor for children here, at least not in the early years, and later, not for extended periods.  Working in a garden or on a farm, or digging a hole is something to grow into, not thrust upon on us when we have our 18th birthday, and suddenly become “adult”.

About the author

Joe grew up in Green Bay, Wisconsin and graduated from Premontre High School (now Notre Dame Academy). He graduated from the University of Wisconsin with a BS degree in civil engineering and a BS degree in city planning. Joe held positions of Village Manager and Director of Public Works, Utilities, Engineering, and Community Development for municipalities in Illinois and Wisconsin ranging in size from 15,000 to 50,000 people. He also worked in the private sector as a design engineer, planning engineer, report coordinator, manager of engineering and has owned and managed a planning and engineering consulting business. Joe has received state and national awards for projects that he managed. He has edited several community newsletters, writes poetry, children s' stories, humor, short stories and "The Solutionist".


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