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So what, or who is a “Solutionist”?   I hope it is you!  My definition of a Solutionist is “an individual, who, as part of an organized effort, works toward developing solutions to complex issues, with a willingness to bend without breaking, without compromising core values”.

My book “The Solutionist”, and this Blog are not about me having all of the solutions, but about getting you to stop for a minute and consider there are real problems and to believe there are real solutions and you can and should be part of the solution(s).

As a Solutionist, you are open to discovering what the real issues are related to a real life situation (which may be a serious problem or just something that could use improvement).  You must also realize all of the issues may be difficult to discover and may change in the process of seeking a solution.  As a real live person, you have a personal stake or interest in the issue(s) and as a Solutionist, you are expected to be open about what it is; how it affects or may affect you personally.  As a Solutionist, you also understand and accept  you will not find a solution that is 100% what you want, but you are willing to accept some give and take, and believe  the final solution is in the best interest of the most people and for the community.  Community includes any groups including family, organization, town, village, city, state, country, global community, earth, etc.  There are many cases where what appears is in the best interest of the majority may drastically and negatively affect some individuals.  There may be some cases where this is acceptable, but generally should not be the result of an acceptable solution.

I propose we begin with this site where we can identify the issues for which we want to develop solutions.  While the rules of the site and of membership would be considered for amendment, the initial rules are:

  • Membership is required.  Each member must make an open statement of what his or her standing is and what their underlying interests are.  It is important to be honest and open about these statements in order to have both credibility and openness.  Information would need to be verifiable.  A bio is required and real names must be used.
  • Elected officials are encouraged to be members.
  • At least initially, there are no membership fees, but if membership fees are instituted, they will be used only to maintain the site and cover direct expenses.  The site would function as a not for profit entity.
  • The initial issues will be the ones covered in this book.  Other issues may be added as the membership decides.
  • Each member must agree to treat all other members with respect and not to participate in character assignation or humiliation.
  • Members must agree they will speak only from personal knowledge and experience and not from rumor or sources are not factual and reliable.
  • Members must provide professional references.
  • Members are free to express feelings of anger, frustration, hope etc., but must make clear they are speaking from an emotional standpoint and are expected to treat others with respect without exception.
  • The objective is to develop real solutions to real issues, and to implement those solutions through socially acceptable means.
  • Members may choose to speak only on issues for which they have expertise.
  • Membership may be revoked.

I am opinionated, and I think I have solutions to a lot of things, but I am also open to the ideas of others and realize there are a lot more issues to deal with than just the ones mentioned here.  I acknowledge that I do not have total understanding on many issues and that I always have more to learn.

I am suggesting is a way of gathering many individuals together in one place to work on identifying issues and coming up with solutions to those issues.  I am not seeking only individuals who think and believe the way I do, but I am asking those willing and able to help to be as honest and open as possible and to speak from a factual standpoint.  If you have knowledge that others would benefit from learning, share it with them.

If you are far left or far right, Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, etc. or atheist, gay or straight; be open about it so others can understand, respect and value your viewpoint.

We must fully realize and accept that while we may be dramatically and dynamically different from one another, we are also more alike than we are different and we share this space with one another and must do it more effectively and harmoniously.

The thing about developing solutions to issues is it never seems to end.  The evolutionary factor keeps things changing.  Our individual ability to understand, advances in science, the changing economy, natural disasters; and many other things keep us on the receiving end of change and balancing change is something we find difficult to deal with.  We should get better at dealing with change; it is something we should learn to embrace, rather than fear.  We must understand that today’s changes may become tomorrow’s problem or it may be the answer to our problems.

We often get a little too comfortable in the status of things.  People will resist change, even when they are in pain, and can see the positive possibilities of change, because they are able to cope with the pain and a little uncertain how change may impact them.  They know the now; they can only imagine the then and that may be frightening.

As we learn to address the issues, we must also address change.  We need to be a lot more willing, able and proficient at making changes as they are needed and not get comfortable with pain.  If we make a change and it doesn’t solve the issue we intended, we must address what works and what does not work and make some more changes.  We do not necessarily need to start with a total change, we can experiment.  This is not something new; we do this now with special studies and research.  What I am suggesting is we get better at changing as we go.  Let us not get comfortable with pain.

We also know there are many Web sites are championing efforts to bring solutions to various issues.  That is great, and what I propose is not to replace or displace those valiant efforts, but to link them and work with them; to create a central place for developing many solutions.

You are hereby invited to join a team dedicated to finding solutions; to become a Solutionist.

Fill out the registration and I will respond to your application

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