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Welcome to “The Solutionist”

Posted By on January 12, 2011

When I first developed the idea for writing The Solutionist, the whole concept was somewhat sketchy. I thought with the right amount of supporting information available I would be able to impress the reader, or at least keep the reader’s attention with impressive statistics, graphs, charts and references to all kinds of good factual information. This approach was replaced by including a few references and encouraging readers to check up on my suggestions with research of their own. I did this for a number of reasons; too many facts get boring, some people won’t believe them anyway, there is so much information on the web (and at your local library) it is easy to do research, and finally it just felt better.

Here are a few ideas about how we might move ahead and perhaps make our lives and the rest of the world a little better, or even, make major improvements. I am not thinking of people will suddenly find inspiration and say “of course, why didn’t someone think of this before?” and march forward to accomplish all of these ideas (including the borrowed ones). I am though, just slightly hopeful, at least a few individuals might see something worth pursuing here and do something about it. Perhaps it could grow into something more.

If you are an individual that would like to see things improve, I could certainly use help in moving this forward. I hope you will accept the challenge, become a “Solutionist” and help build a better world.

From the chapter on being a Solutionist:
“This whole book is not about me having all the solutions, but about getting you to stop for a minute and consider real problems and to believe we can develop workable solutions, and you can and should be an active part of those solutions.”

About the author

Joe grew up in Green Bay, Wisconsin and graduated from Premontre High School (now Notre Dame Academy). He graduated from the University of Wisconsin with a BS degree in civil engineering and a BS degree in city planning. Joe held positions of Village Manager and Director of Public Works, Utilities, Engineering, and Community Development for municipalities in Illinois and Wisconsin ranging in size from 15,000 to 50,000 people. He also worked in the private sector as a design engineer, planning engineer, report coordinator, manager of engineering and has owned and managed a planning and engineering consulting business. Joe has received state and national awards for projects that he managed. He has edited several community newsletters, writes poetry, children s' stories, humor, short stories and "The Solutionist".


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